Tuesday, 25 November 2008


What have you learned about your abilities as a designer?    

I found over the course of this project I wasn’t working anywhere near the standards that I was working at towards the end of last year, however I have still developed my skills especially creating vector art work which I tried at the end of last year with no prevail. I still feel I have a lot of potential to learn more and hopefully through out the process of the next set of briefs I can show that through my work.

What specific areas of interest have you identified and why do they interest you?

Last year I had a very strong interest in typography however this year I have done a lot more work based on creating imagery, I have began to find I have a growing interest in creating imagery using both hand drawn and computer based work, with both still needing to be of higher quality.  I feel from working with creating images I have learnt a lot more in my own time and I can see the developments in my skills a lot quicker than when I work with type.

What practical skills have you developed and how have you used them? 

I have developed my skills on illustrator creating the imagery for the project, and refreshed my skills on Photoshop which I neglected a bit last year thus meaning I’m not as comfortable on it as I was a year or so ago. I don’t feel I have developed much through this brief as I feel I’ve cruised through it and not really engaged with it as much as I wish I would have which would have meant I’d get a lot more enjoyment out of doing it.   

 What personal skills have you developed and how have you used them?

I have found it easier to talk and discuss ideas with people outside of crits, however I haven’t been very officiate or helpful in many of the crits I’ve been a part off. I still feel the essence of time delegation would seriously improve and develop my personal skills.

What have you learned about yourself as a learner? 

I learn a lot faster when I work independently  as I can figure out the (either  or an alternative however I still need the initial tuition to build my  basic skills and knowledge, for example I will need to maintain my attendance to keep the information flow constant.

What do you feel your overall strengths are? 

Punctuality, getting on time to places will let me get the most out off sessions and private study. Design and development I am always designing and developing my ideas at every point within a project but I think the addition of more hand drawn sheets and designs that are backed up by quantifiable information will be a good thing to make more suitable and effective designs. 

What areas do you feel you need to improve on? 

Keeping time better and knowing when to work and when to break so there is a right balance between the two. I feel I need to keep learning and creating on both illustrator and Photoshop to develop my skills further thus meaning I can improve the quality and level of work I produce in the future. I want to improve skills in the screen print room, as I don’t feel I have made use of the facility enough. Communicating ideas clearer to tutors and other students would benefit there understanding and the feedback I get from them. Reaserach In a much more critical manor and include costing and print methods 

Briefly state what you intend to achieve over the next three months. 

I want to start producing higher quality products whilst still creating a good high level of back up work to support it.  A realisation of where and what I want to do on my work experience and on future projects. I need to create a better structure week by week so I keep a constant flow of work going and I can give myself time to work on the final thing a lot earlier than the last week.

Briefly state your aims for next year. 

Within the next year I hope to be producing better standards of work that have a very effective design that will deliver message much more clearly and effectively. Also next summer I would like to gain a decent work experience to learn more about the industries of design.

Within the next year I want to utilise the graphic studio space but that of the print rooms and digital dungeon as well so I gain better knowledge of the areas which I hope will be an advantage in the later stages of the cause. 

General Comments 

I feel I need to pick up the quality if work especially in the end product witch I hope to be backed up with a healthy quantity and quality. This is cue to poor time management on my part and I need to get into a routine which allows me to develop as s deign.

How would you grade yourself on the following areas:

(Please indicate using an ‘x’) 


5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor

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