Friday, 6 June 2008

this site has some really nice and clever pieces from paula scher, i esspecialy like the ny ballet poster as it is very simplistic and keeps a feeling of class which helps identify and show off the ny ballet in a very flatering way.

i think these poster designs are really whitty and clever the simplicity is great as it allows people to get the message and the humor behind, if the short cut signs where not used and where replced with normal type then they wouldn't work.

i really want to be able to design a piece that works just like this where  there is frazes but  they have been created in a very ambiguose manner. also i like that the designs arn't b and w they use colour well and colour is needed to emphasise the fraze itself.

just a really clever piece i found whilst looking around on the build web site, the use of the space is very clever why use all the space if the message is easier to read in this way, i need to consider this with future work, i don't need to fill the stock just apply a design in an appropriate symplistic way that doesn't consist of unneccesary information, i hope my critical and editorail knowledge in terms of the information required on the page will progress and i will become more knowledgable about language and the use of it within my designs.

the intial simplicity of places designs is great but when you look into them they are very complex and have this subtltiy  that works so well, i am beginning to take alot of inspiration from this designer and i think i will only learn more and more as i generate more design work and ideas. but i don't want to copy his work mearly use it to find my own unique style.

 within place's work there is a very good use of hiaraci which has to be considerd with everything i do and other designers do. Place uses a great contrast in large and small type and has been layed out really well. as i keep learning and progressing i hope i can find i style in which i create work that influences and is appreciated by other designers and people who are not part of the design industrie.

Build - Scale Series

i really like that these posters are so thought out and that they are actual objects but have been measured and scaled so that they are all the same. i really want to explore quite technical design work, where the concept and meaning is complex and intersting but is put across so simply and appropriatly.

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